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Over five million people in the UK have asthma, and 1.4 million are living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).1,2


Estimates suggest that only 30% of people living with asthma, and less than 20% of people living with COPD in the UK receive even the basic levels of care.2,3


Greater Manchester has high asthma and COPD prevalence and poor respiratory outcomes, with emergency hospital admissions due to these conditions 30% higher than the national average.4



MISSION (iMprovIng outcomeS in reSpIratory acrOss Greater MaNchester) is a collaborative working project between Chiesi Limited and Health Innovation Manchester, launched to help address critical gaps in asthma and COPD care.


The project will introduce the clinically-validated LungHealth software in up to 150 GP practices across Greater Manchester over a two-year period. The software incorporates existing digital technology such as embedded algorithms based on national and international guidelines, alongside the patient’s own medical records, to provide computer-guided consultations for asthma and COPD annual reviews either remotely or face-to-face.


"We hope that our collaboration with Chiesi will show significantly improved outcomes for our asthma and COPD patients in Greater Manchester, demonstrating the role technology can play in addressing health challenges. The software will help clinical reviews of patients for busy GP practices and ensure patients are provided with the optimal care. The implementation of the LungHealth software will enable more efficient reviews in line with the very latest guidance, easing the burden on Primary Care, with better care for patients."~ Dr Tracey Vell, Medical Director, Health Innovation Manchester. 


The MISSION project is currently under way. We will update this page when further insights become available.


Please check back from time to time or get in touch with us for more information at info@chiesi.uk.com.


Please click here to read the executive summary of the MISSION project.


You can also read more about MISSION here: https://www.chiesi.uk.com/img/news/dZ3YnSvtNM_mission-launch-press-release.pdf



The MISSION project team




  1. Asthma + Lung UK. What is asthma? Available at: https://www.asthmaandlung.org.uk/conditions/asthma/what-asthma
  2. Asthma and Lung UK. COPD in the UK: Delayed diagnosis and unequal care. 2022. Available at: https://www.asthmaandlung.org.uk/sites/default/files/2023-03/delayed-diagnosis-unequalcare.pdf
  3. Royal College of Physicians. Why Asthma Still Kills: the National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD) Confidential Enquiry Report. London, RCP, 2014. https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/outputs/why-asthma-still-kills
  4. Respiratory disease data OHID. Available at: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/respiratorydisease/data#page/3/gid/8000003/pat/221/par/nE54000057/ati/66/are/nE38000016/iid/93575/ag e/1/sex/4/cat/-1/ctp/-1/yrr/1/cid/4/tbm/1

UK-CHI-2401029 | December 2024 


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