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Digital Peak Flow Meter Assisted Asthma Care Clinic


Asthma is a significant health concern in Blackpool, where over 1,200 of the approximately 16,100 patients registered at Bloomfield Medical Centre have a confirmed diagnosis of asthma.1 Blackpool is an area of high levels of deprivation, being among the 20% most deprived areas in England, which can exacerbate asthma prevalence and outcomes. Factors such as low income, affecting 26.2% (6,855) of families with children, and the associated challenges of poor housing and access to resources contribute to worse asthma outcomes.2 Life expectancy, already below the England average, highlights the need for targeted interventions to address problems such as asthma management in this community.3



The Digital Peak Flow Meter Assisted Asthma Care Clinic (DAACC) is a collaborative project between Chiesi Limited and Bloomfield Medical Centre, designed to empower people living with asthma to proactively self-manage their condition. By using digital peak flow meters, patients can identify triggers, recognise early signs of worsening symptoms, and provide their healthcare professionals with data-driven insights into their lung function, enabling more personalised and effective care.


The Digital Peak Flow Meter Assisted Asthma Care Clinic project is currently under way. We will update this page when further insights become available.


Please check back from time to time or get in touch with us for more information at info@chiesi.uk.com.


Please click here to read the executive summary of the DAACC project.




  1. Health. Fingertips | Department of Health and Social Care [Internet]. 2024. Available from: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/search/asthma#page/1/gid/1/ati/7/iid/90615/age/189/sex/4/cat/-1/ctp/-1/yrr/1/cid/4/tbm/1
  2. Public Health England – Blackpool, available online https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/static-reports/health- profiles/2019/e06000009.html?area-name=blackpool 
  3. Life Expectancy at Birth (1991-93 to 2018-20) available from Office for National Statistics (ONS), Life expectancy at birth (years). Data summarised on the JSNA Blackpool Joint Strategic Needs Assessment web page, available
    online https://www.blackpooljsna.org.uk/Blackpool-Profile/Life-Expectancy.aspx#:~:text=Life%20expectancy%20for%20men%20in,in%20the%20most%20deprived%20areas. 


UK-CHI-2401028 | December 2024 


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